Monday, February 9, 2009


Well I have finally hit two moments worth talking about. 1) I am in Hawaii this week. 2) Finished my GNC total body cleansing week long journey and well that means.... (cue dramatic music)... I must start running. I must admit that both do excite me, but bring a string of fear within me. Hawaii this time is a big test because I have a very high ranking manager here with me. I must do my absolute best to impress her... I hope I do because the extreme fast track in my company follows.

So about the running... I believed I performed some sort of Freudian sabotage on the running. On Saturday I made the conscience effort to go by running clothes.... Good work me! But apparently I forgot my running shoes... But then I realized who needs running shoes when I have miles of beaches. So.... To the beach I will go to run and work out. Maybe I will visit the Jujitsu club here and roll with them... Should be fun...

When I return I will need some motivation to run... You are the only one that could keep me going... So that your job....

My little boy is sick right now and staying at home with my mom. He's gonna be bummed when he realizes he won't get the perfect attendance award. I must explain its insignificance when I return. Hope he finishes the third Harry Potter Book. That series is like crack to little kids... Right on...

So as I sit here eating a spam Musabi, smoking, watching the beach from my balcony the wish in my mind is that my friends and family were here to share it with me....


  1. Aloha my friend! I do wish I was there with you...I love me some spam musabi!! Just to let you know, I've been running & carrying jugs of water to get in shape...all the while thinking of when I'm going to get my fight club on!

    I think the sand is a great idea...make sure you stretch REALLY well the next few days. Don't get your calves all cramped up! =)

    My Ava girl has been sick too...fever, etc. Harry Potter ROCKS!!! You make me want to read it again & start the last couple I haven't read yet.

    Have safe!

  2. And what would you like in the dragon print? I recently picked up a red/black/gray version on the same print! What do you need? Let's get creative...I have some ideas brewing already!
